XDI menu System:

A diagram of a system

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1.Start by holding buttons 1 and 4 in.

A hand holding a screen

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2. In the user menu hold button 2 and 3 in.

A hand holding a small screen

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3. In the installation menu select restart

A hand holding a small screen

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4.Chose the Can ID for your application  

A small screen with a blue wire

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5.Chose the dimmer settings for your application

A hand holding a small screen

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6.Choose an adjustable picture that matches your setup.


  7.Chosse the inputs used on your application

A screen with a blue and white text

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8. Open the standard screen and navigate to the user menu

A person touching a screen

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9. From the user menu navigate to the installation menu

A hand touching a screen

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10. In the installation menu navigate to visual indicators > visual marking

A hand touching a screen

Description automatically generatedA hand holding a small screen

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11.Set band 1 and 2 to the decried spec

In this instance the customer only wants to be shown a band to 20 degrees. So, the low value is set to 200 and -200.  

A hand holding a small screen

Description automatically generatedA hand holding a small device

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 A hand holding a small device

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12. See the changes made on the indicator

A hand holding a device

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