Log communication from WSS to WSDI-2/WSS-Interface box

1. Google, download and install Tera Term (open source software).

2. Use e.g. a USB to serial adaptor to connect to WSDI-2 or WSI. 

Figure 1: USB to Serial adaptor

3. If using a Moxa adaptor as in figure 1 terminals used is 3 (+) & 4 (-). Terminal 3 (Moxa) is connected to terminal 7/A, and terminal 4 (Moxa) to terminal 9/B if connecting to a WSDI-2. If connecting to a WSI box terminal 3 (Moxa) is connected to terminal A (WSI) and terminal 4 (Moxa) to terminal B (WSI). Make sure to check which port is used by Moxa on your PC inside Device Manager setup. Moxa port setting should be set to RS-485 2W. 

Figure 2: Connection example to a WSDI-2

4. When connected open Tera Term 

 Figure 3: Tera Term opening window

5. Click Serial, choose the right port in the dropdown menu and press OK. 

Figure 4: Tera Term choosing connection port 

6. Now it looks like the PC is logging. It’s NOT. Go to Setup and choose Serial port (figure 6).

Figure 5 Tera Term: Not logging

 Figure 6 Tera Term: Entering serial port menu 

7. Change baud rate from 9600 to 4800 and press OK. Now Tera Term is reading communication from WSS to WSDI-2 or WSI (see figure 8).

Figure 7 Tera Term: Changing baud rate Figure 8 Tera Term: Reading communication from WSS

 Figure 8 Tera Term: Reading communication from WSS

8. To start log readings go to File and then Log. 

Figure 9 Tera Term: Start Logging

9. Choose a destination for log file and press Save. Now a file is created on desktop and Tera Term is logging readings from WSS. 

Figure 10 Tera Term: Creating log file

10. At this point 2 Tera Term windows are open on PC. The command prompt looking one and the one in figure 11. When error is present on WSDI2 or WSDI (no indication of wind-speed or direction) and Tera Term for sure has logged readings through this period, logging can be stopped by pressing Close button. 

Figure 11 Tera Term: Stop logging by pressing close button

File can now be sent to DEIF Support for analysis.