First check if VNC Service & SSH service is active. 

With the eX703’s ETH1 connected to your PC’s ethernet port,
  Go to https://Your-IP-Here/machine_config 

Your-IP-Here, will need to be switched for the IP of your eX703 like this (   


When you get to this page: 

A screenshot of a computer

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Username: admin                   

Password: admin 


When logged in, go to Services and make sure SSH and VNC are enabled, and Fast boot it turned off. 

A screenshot of a service setting

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Use a VNC viewer to connect to the unit. (There are free versions on the internet)

When you get to this screen:

A screenshot of a computer

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 long press the green arrow for Ca. 5 sec, do not let go before the screen changes to this one: A screenshot of a computer

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Press the settings button and select the 3 settings for logging like this : 

A screenshot of a computer

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You should now see the log window: 

A screenshot of a computer

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