Please find below step wise guidelines, on how to change the IP address.
1. Connect the LAN cable between Laptop and controller Ethernet port.
2. Press the jump button on display and scroll to parameter 9000. Note down IP-address, subnet mask & gateway at w1 & w2.
3. Setup PC IP-address within same range as controller.
4. Changing the IP:
If you have a display on your ML-2 device
4.1. From the home screen go to Setup
4.2. Go to the SYST menu
4.3. GO to the COMM menu
4.3. find parameter 7900 (IP config), 7910 (Gateway Config) and 7920 (Netmask Config)
4.4. change the IP's to what is needed.
4.5. Go back to parameter 7900 (IP Config) and go to UPD press it
4.6. press up so (Write network param) is visible on the display, and press save.
4.7. you should now have changed the IP on the controller
How to change IP on the AGC 150
4.1. From the home screen press OK
4.2. Go to settings
4.3. Go to comunication
4.4. Go to Ethernet setup
4.5. change the IP's to what is needed
4.6. the AGC 150 saves the changes automatically so just go back to the Home screen
4.7. you should now have changed the IP on the controller
How to change IP from USW
4.1. Log on to the controller, using either LAN/USB or serial
4.2. Press the N option button
4.3. Change the IP's to what you need
4.4. Write the data to the controller
Old way to do it, only try this if nothing else works
4.1. Open the USW and Click the N option configurator
4.2 Go to: connection>ping and enter the IP address. Click ping and if the connection is right you will get an OK message. Click stop and close window.
4.3 Go to: connection>get. Enter the controllers IP-address and username/password both are “admin”.
4.4 Go to: settings>network parameters. Change the IP address/subnet mask/gateway/ and click OK. An FTP window opens, click OK here as well.
4.5 After 90 seconds controller is ready to communicate through new TCP/IP-address.